Our Heavenly Father Text Book (Grade 1)

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This Faith & Life student textbook lessons incorporate the four principal components of catechesis: the Creed, the Commandments, the Sacraments and Liturgy, Prayer and Scripture. But besides giving a clear and comprehensive presentation of our faith, the student textbook is rich in artwork, both original and classical.

THEME: Introduction to the Trinity, with emphasis on the life of Jesus, the plan of salvation, and the child's part in the plan. Acquaints child with Mary, angels and saints. Child learns basic prayers.

SEQUENCE: Ch.1-8: The Old Testament, God our creator; our home in Heaven lost through original sin; the world prepares for the Savior.
Ch. 9-21: The Incarnation, life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
Ch. 22-28: The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Mary our mother.

AIM: To give the first grade student a basic introduction to God, the life of our Savior, and to prayer, with a special emphasis on growing to know, love, and trust God.