Desire for God

Ave Maria!

Why do many lack peace of mind? Why are many so sad? Why are many struggling mentally in today`s society? Especially among the young? Why many cases of suicide, depression and mental stress? How often do we hear of stories of famous people who at the apex of success and glory, suddenly end it all tragically! This make us think that there`s a certain craving unsatisfied in the human heart, a certain hunger and thirst that riches, pleasures, success, glory, power etc. all you can think of that the world can offer you, cannot satisfy.

What does the human heart long for so much? What is this conscious or unconscious yearning? It is yearning for love, but a love that does not turn into betrayal. The Catechism teaches us that God made us to know Him, love Him, serve Him and be happy with Him forever in Heaven! As St Augustine says “we are made for God and our heart does not find rest except in God”. So, all our being tends always towards this “Supreme Good”, which is perfect love, whether we are conscious of it or not. Many realise this soon enough, so they find peace. Others realise this only after great misfortune or great disappointment in life, then finally they turn to God. But many others struggle against themselves and do not let God into their lives, so they are sad and lack peace. To which category do you belong?

Success, riches, pleasure, sex, drugs etc. can give you pleasure and make you feel superficially happy for some time, but there`s always the bitter drop at the end of the cup. As we read in the Sacred Scripture; king Solomon, with all his riches and glory and all sorts of pleasures which had, did not find complete satisfaction, this made him exclaim “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” … (Ecclesiastes 1:1-3). Yes, life`s day is short, it swiftly ebbs to a close, earth`s joy grow dim, its glory soon passes away. There`s always changes which then bring decay. Only God does not change. Only He can fill and satisfy the heart`s longing in its deepest chamber. Only God gives true meaning to life. To discover this, is to find the greatest treasure. With God sorrows, pain and trials take on a new face, they have a different meaning. No wonder those who suffer for God`s sake, like the martyrs, were the happiest people. And those who saw their illness as a special favour from God, becomes great friends with Him. Yes, with God, all trouble ceases, and pain becomes sweet. Close to Him, all yearning ease! In this lies the true greatness; to find God and know how to keep Him. This is the secret of happiness and true peace. The Blessed Virgen Mary is the greatest woman that ever existed because She had “God” in Her. To Her therefore we should have recourse to as St Bonaventure advises us:

“May the thoughts of Mary never leave your mind

The name of Mary never abandon your lips

The love of Mary never be extinguished from your heart

Following Mary, you will never be lost

Leaning on Mary, you will not fear

Listening to Mary, you will not go astray

Living with Mary, you will be saved

Blessed are those consecrated to Mary; their names are written in the Book of Life”.

Ave Maria!