Uniformity with God’s Will

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Uniformity with God’s Will

“Who knows? Perhaps if God had given us greater talent, better health, a more personable appearance, we might have lost our souls! Great talent and knowledge have caused many to be puffed up with the idea of their own importance and, in their pride, they have despised others. How easily those who have these gifts fall into grave danger to their salvation! How many on account of physical beauty or robust health have plunged headlong into a life of debauchery! How many, on the contrary, who, by reason of poverty, infirmity or physical deformity, have become saints and have saved their souls, who, given health, wealth or physical attractiveness had else lost their souls! Let us then be content with what God has given us. ‘But one thing is necessary’ (Luke 10:42), and it is not beauty, not health, not talent. It is the salvation of our immortal souls.” (Page 18).

“Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: ‘Charity is the bond of perfection’ (Col 3:14); and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God’s” (Page 4).
