Jesus, Mary, Joseph Novena Manual (New Revised)

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The Revised Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Novena Manual is more than a list of prayers, it is a powerful tool that will teach you how to pray with confidence, contrition, fervour, and perseverance. 

The Novena Manual contains a novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and a unique and beautiful novena to Our Sorrowful Mother centered around the Stations of the Cross (p. 24) among many other benefits, including:

• Prayers for before and after Communion
• A consecration to Mary 
• A beautiful prayer for children before birth (p. 95)
• Prayers to pray before the exposed Eucharist
• Meditations on the Seven Bloodsheddings of Christ (p. 86)
• And much more…

A beautiful collection of little known prayers. Pocket Edition.

  • Imitation Leather: 156pp
  • Publisher: St. Benedict's Press (Imprint Confraternity of the Precious Blood)
  • Author: Fr. Stedman
  • ISBN: 9781618908360