Weekday Missal (Hardbound)

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  • Regular price £30.00

A People’s Missal that contains all the prayers and readings for all weekday Masses, from Monday to Saturday.

This beautiful hardback volume also contains: The English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish national Proper of Saints. As well as:

  • Preparatory prayers for before Mass; Prayers of thanksgiving and devotion for after Mass;
  • Comprehensive appendix of other prayers and devotions such as Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, prayers before the Blessed Sacrament; Inspiring introductions for major feasts and seasons from Papal teaching.
  • Clear modern layout in easy-to-read fonts - basic font size is 9pt Beautiful sacred art in full colour.
  • 4 Ribbon placeholders (in different colours).
  • Parallel Latin texts alongside the English for the Order of Mass and the priest’s prayers. New English Translation of the Mass.
  • Cross referenced to the CTS People’s Sunday Missal. Durable binding.
  • Hardback: 2620 pages
  • Publisher: CTS
  • ISBN: 9781860828263